Nov 18, 2024
25 stories
“Need a hand with those? Eh?”
The best things are woven not by her own hands but by shared effort.
“These are so good!”
A tiny figure huddled and shivering.
Tea was slow. Tea was quiet. Tea required patience.
“Wanna do something crazy?”
“Hey, honey, come paint with me.”
"It's the only time of the day I enjoy"
It was her mother's letter.
All of it was there, alive, in the fabric of that old, worn blanket.
Are you… are you playing the piano?
Consider it a small gift. We all have days like this.
They seemed so happy (their hearts full).
The world seemed bearable under the grey sky.
there it was — that song
I hear you.
We are never alone.
Little moments of peace.